- Have A Plan: Know that you need a plan to stay healthy during the holidays, but also intend that it’s going to be easier and fun to be healthy during the holidays! And that you’re going to start Jan 1 feeling GREAT!
- Keep Consistent: When we are busy/stressed, the small things we do (or don’t do) are even MORE important. Continue taking your USANA Essentials or MyHealthPak, BiOmega/OptOmega (Essential Fatty Acids), one USANA Nutrimeal shake plus one USANA Nutrition bar every day, and do 30 minutes of your favorite exercise at least 5 days per week - EVEN during the holidays. You need the vitamins, anti-oxidants and good nutrition even more during this season. Use your healthy habits as connection time with your family – make your mom a shake, go for a walk with your sister, etc.
- Nix the All or Nothing Mentality: If we overindulge, a common response is to keep going because we’ve already “ruined it”. Remember that just because you ate that piece of cake, it doesn’t mean that you need to eat the entire dessert table :-) Also, one meal doesn’t make us gain weight, it’s what we do afterward that makes all the difference.
- Fill the Void: Offer to bring healthy appetizers to parties and family get-togethers. There are so many yummy low-glycemic recipes out there, wow everyone with your creativity! Also, think of all the things you CAN eat instead of focusing on all the things you’ve decided not to eat. The foods that are harvested in the fall are packed full of vitamins and anti-oxidants (i.e. pumpkin, squash, apples, sweet potatoes). We get to choose how to prepare them!
- Magic Tricks: Our favorite Live Well “tricks” are 1) eat a USANA bar/shake before going out to avoid last minute party cravings, 2) fill your plate with fruit & veggies at cocktail parties so people aren’t asking why you aren’t eating cake and cookies, even better, offer to bring a fruit or veggie tray, and 3) have sparkling water with a lime in a highball glass or wine glass to avoid any unwanted pressure to drink and to give you something to sip on.
- It’s YOUR Life: Don’t let others try to talk you into being unhealthy and incongruent with your health goals. Often times, you will be an inspiration that they can do it too!
- Drink MORE Water: Water makes up 60-70% of your body and EVERY system in your body depends on it. Drink 8-12 glasses (8oz each) minimum each day and add one more glass for each caffeinated and alcoholic beverage you have. Water will help you feel full, have more energy and better able to handle everything.
- Lifestyle Choices: Choose how much sleep and exercise you need every day and make them nonnegotiable. Holidays can also be stressful for a number or reasons and the #1 de-stresser can be learning to say “No.” You don’t have to go to every party :-) Also add on a stress-reduction method that works best for you, massage, Yoga, talking to a friend, movies, etc.
- What if you DO overindulge? We all do sometimes :-) Drink tons of water before going to bed and take extra USANA Proflavanol C100 that night to reduce inflammation, build the immune system and detox the body. In the morning, drink a large glass of water, have a Nutrimeal shake with your Essentials/MyHealthPak and BiOmega/OptOmega to stabilize your blood sugar. Go for a workout or even a walk in the morning – the movement and endorphins will help you feel better and back on track. Most importantly, drink lots of water throughout the day, eat normally and don’t try to compensate by eating fewer calories, otherwise your metabolism will adjust and slow down.
- Create Connection: Enjoy the Holiday Season for what it is about, family, friends, and connections - not just eating. It’s amazing when you take the focus off of food how many other things you will notice about the holidays!
Be Happy...Be Vibrant...
Live Well,
Carmen :-)