Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Live Well Strategy #4 - Is What You’re Doing TODAY Worth a Day in Your Life?

A good friend of mine called the other day to tell me about a quote he had seen framed on a wall while showing a property to one of his clients.  What a GREAT question to ask ourselves every day, “Is what you’re doing TODAY worth a day in your life?”

So how do you make every day of your life worthwhile?  By bringing joy, passion and purpose into what you do every day.  And how do you do this?  These are the three things that have worked for me.

Step #1  Right now, write down 3 things that you LOVE doing.  Decide that once a day, you are going to do something that pertains to one of those things.  For example, I LOVE dancing and anything to do with dance.  So everyday I do something that incorporates dance like choreographing 30 seconds of a song, listening to music that I could use, dancing madly in my bedroom, or just looking at a magazine that talks about dance or fitness. 

You may have 5, 6, 7….20 things that you LOVE doing.  List them and be sure to do something related to at least one at least once per day.  This is an extremely important way to bring JOY into your life each and every day.  Make time for it – this is YOUR life – you are meant to be doing what you love – even if it’s only for 5 min per day ☺

Step #2  Decide what ONE of your long term goals is.  For example, let’s say that you want to run a marathon.  Then decide that once a day (put it in your planner) you will do something to move you towards that goal (researching how long you need to train, making a plan, buying running shoes, etc.)  Take baby steps that make you happy - working up to doing something once a day.

Step #3  Do something nice for someone else once a day.  Pay for the person’s cappuccino (or green tea ☺) behind you in the line at Starbucks, buy a friend’s lunch, take a friend to a movie, loan someone a book you love, call a friend out of the blue just to say hello, have a REAL conversation with the person behind the service counter, genuinely compliment someone, offer to help. 

Did you know that it not only gives you and the recipient joy – but also any observers?  The "observer" of a kind act derives as much benefit as the giver and receiver.  What an EASY way to positively affect 3 people – who will then go on and affect others.

So...do something you LOVE every day, one thing that takes you closer to your goals/purpose and something nice for someone else.  Joy and passion will then naturally happen everyday.  Try it, it works!

Make EVERY day meaningful – it’s YOUR life after all ☺  You're the author...

Be Happy...Be Vibrant...

Live Well,

Carmen ☺